6.11.2018: The use of LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3 in STEM subjects
from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Germersheim District Media Center In this event, the LEGO® Education learning concept will be explained to you and you will receive an overview of the hardware and software of the MINDSTORMS® EV3 system: We will construct a robot, carry out practical exercises and discuss the curriculum goals of the EV3 teaching units. We will present the diverse possible uses of the advanced applications: physics experiments, construction projects, space expeditions and data acquisition. The event is for teachers at secondary schools who teach technology, natural sciences, computer science or mathematics in grades 5-12 and who want to make the curriculum content of the STEM subjects tangible for their students with LEGO® MINDSTORMS® Education EV3. The event is aimed at teachers who are not yet familiar with the learning concept. You can register by phone (07274/ 7001782) during opening hours or by email (medienzentrum@kreis-germersheim.de) until October 30, 2018. A maximum of two teachers can be admitted per school.