24.3.2022 | Digital treasure hunt: Geocaching with GPS
If you are interested in individual workshops, please get in touch!! (all types of schools) March 24, 2021, 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Orientation in the field with GPS support for children, young people and adults How do I get students back into the great outdoors? For example, in training for spatial orientation with the help of GPS devices. These can be used for a variety of occasions: whether as part of geography, biology, physical education lessons, hiking days or project weeks. The children and young people learn to use maps in a playful way, to orient themselves in the field and to get to know nature live and in color. The training is aimed at teachers from a wide range of educational institutions and other interested parties. Content: Basics, functionality and areas of application of geo-location systems with a focus on the Global Positioning System GPS Geocaching with GPS devices (provided by the media center): Learn important terms and functions such as location, tracking, routing, etc. on the device Part of the terrain: Geocache hike in the area around the media center. Speaker: Thorsten Priefling